Blog Juanjo García-Ripoll's blog
- Installing Linux perf on Windows Subsystem for Linux
- Installing Python with Miniforge
- Installing Python on Windows with pyenv
- Installing Jupyter notebook extensions
- Download BibTeX entry for an article using DOI
- Combine JPEG images into a single PDF
- MPI4PY Python based job queue with caching
- Org-THTML: An HTML template system for org-mode
- eBib-Biblio interface, aka. Mendeley for Emacs
- OrgNV - Org Navigator
- Configure doc-view-mode for Windows
- Teaching Emacs how to open mail attachments
- Arranging Emacs windows
- Managing bibliographies from Emacs (v2)
- Run aspell from Windows Emacs using WSL
- Open mime attachments in Emacs
- Handling email with Emacs' Wanderlust
- Launch Jupyter notebooks automatically in Windows
- A CSS stylesheet for exporting org-mode files
- My .emacs configuration
- Custom skin for Jupyter notebooks
- Converting Mathematica to Python
- Hacking BibTeX
- Extracting images from PDFs with Inkscape
- Analyzing your email inbox with Python and Jupyter
- Studying spin squeezing in Mathematica
- Optimize a PDF or extract part of it with ghostscript
- Catching up with the ArXiv
- Up to 128 qubits: Matlab C++ tutorial
- Matlab, C++ and OpenMP
- Solving fermionic Hamiltonians
- Profiling code with 'perf'
- LaTeX equations in LibreOffice (Windows)